Join the movement.
We’re a grassroots, people-powered party, which means joining the Greens gives you a real say in progressive politics. As a member, you also get to:
Meet like-minded people
Have a real say in our politics and policies
Decide who represents us in parliament
Access to member only events and training
Opportunities to represent your local community as a candidate
You can choose the level that best reflects your capacity to contribute financially to the ACT Greens (up to $1,500 membership fees and donations each financial year are tax deductible).
Choosing to Pay it Forward or adding an optional ongoing or one-off donation to your membership helps to subsidise the cost of membership for other people who can't contribute as much financially – this is a huge help to us and our members who have had to cut back on their spending in the ongoing cost of living crisis.
Want to know more about joining the ACT Greens? Contact us via or call (02) 6140 3220.
This form securely accepts Visa or MasterCard, Credit or Debit cards, using eWAY. You can also donate here.
By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the following declaration:
- I am not a member of another political party and will not join another political party while I am a member of The Greens.
- I agree to abide by the Australian Greens Charter and Constitution and the ACT Greens Constitution and Bylaws including the Code of Conduct.
- I acknowledge that my membership is subject to approval by the ACT Greens, which involves having my name listed as a provisional member in the Members' Bulletin for current members to see.